Thursday, February 27, 2014

Welcome To The Souper Dome

Hey All. Welcome! So this is my very first food blog. Actually, my very first blog ever. Unless we can count the angst-filled hours where I poured my heart out on my Xanga back in 2004-2006.

Yeah. Let's actually not count those years.

So to keep it simple; I like eating and cooking soup. When it comes to liquid meals, the possibilities are pretty endless.

I am not a foodie. I am not an organic purist. I won't break my bank on over-priced produce, but I also don't skimp on quality.  I find a lot of my recipes online. Then usually just flip it and reverse them with my own impulsive additions. I burn things sometimes. My knife strokes have a mind of their own. This won't always be pretty. 

I'm  not always a great cook but I'm usually bumping to some good tunes and will always find my hunger satiated when I'm done. So let's eat some soup! 

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